
USD 2420.00 74780.00 16
Bathtubs 5 4.8 121 121 1

How much do Aquatica bathtubs cost?

We offer a wide array of bathtubs to buy online in different styles, sizes and prices. You can find the price of each bathtub under the product listing. Bathtub prices start from $2000. Our most popular models range from $3500-$7000. Some of our super luxurious bathtubs cost around $10,000. 

Where can I see the dimensions of Aquatica bathtubs?

The dimensions of each Aquatica bathtub can be found on individual product listing pages, under general parameters in the product detail section. You can also download the drawings, which can be found under technical documentation.

How do I know if a bathtub is comfortable for me?

If you wish to buy online, we recommend you measure your height, leg length, shoulder and hip width. You can then enter your dimensions on our 3D Body Position App, to see which bathtub would be the most comfortable for your specific body type. You should also check the demo video, and 360 View under the gallery on the product page.

How do I clean an Aquatica bathtub?

Aquatica bathtubs are extremely easy to clean and maintain. Read the cleaning and maintenance guide for bathtubs under the technical documentation section of the product page. This explains how to clean the tub in detail, and the cleaning products you should use. 

What sort of warranty comes with Aquatica Bathtubs?

There are different types of warranty for our bathtubs. Check the warranty under general parameters in the product details section. Our Aquatex models have a 25 year warranty. Some acrylic models have a 10 year warranty, while others have 5. The Aquatica structural bathtub warranty makes sure that they don’t crack, peel or discolor.

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